Monday, February 2, 2009

I Got People...somewhere :)

So i admit..i totally forgot i had a blog.. :( yeah, yeah, i have checked my facebook faithfully everyday and my myspace every other day but my blog..i have neglected. Of course this could be because i cannot figure out how to find people on here to be my "followers" and so i get frustrated and just sign somehow i see my good friend Brandee became a follower and i was just wondering if maybe someone could help me figure that part out! I just got back from a week trip up north and have a bunch of pictures and different things i would love to write about...but i gotta figure out how to find people first :) soo until then Brandee i love you my dear and thanks for being my one and only follower ;)

1 comment:

Brandee said...

Haha, hi Jen! I'm a little late anyway, but I don't know how to help you -everyone that I follow are just friends that sent me a link to their blog... But you should just update this for me anyway! :)